The surveil R package provides time series models for routine public health surveillance tasks: model time trends in mortality or disease incidence rates to make inferences about levels of risk, cumulative and period percent change, age-standardized rates, and health inequalities.
surveil is an interface to Stan, a state-of-the-art platform for Bayesian inference. For analysis of spatial health data see the geostan R package.
surveil is available on CRAN; install from R using:
Review the package vignettes to get started:
: An introduction to health
modeling with surveilvignette("age-standardization")
: How to age-standardize
surveil model results and compare age-stratified
populationsAlso see the online documentation.
Model time series data of mortality or disease incidence by loading the surveil package into R together with disease surveillance data. Tables exported from CDC WONDER are automatically in the correct format.
booktabs = TRUE,
caption = "Table 1. A glimpse of cancer surveillance data")
Year | Age | Count | Population |
1999 | <1 | 866 | 3708753 |
1999 | 1-4 | 2959 | 14991152 |
1999 | 5-9 | 2226 | 20146188 |
1999 | 10-14 | 2447 | 19742631 |
1999 | 15-19 | 3875 | 19585857 |
1999 | 20-24 | 5969 | 18148795 |
Model trends in risk and easily view functions of risk estimates, such as cumulative percent change:
<- stan_rw(data = cancer,
fit time = Year,
group = Age,
cores = 4 # multi-core processing for speed
<- apc(fit)
fit_apc plot(fit_apc, cumulative = TRUE)
Cumulative percent change in US cancer incidence by age