Install nucim using install.packages(). The package relies on the EBImage package, which is available on bioconductor, hence you need to set the repositories accordingly:
Start with loading the necessary libraries:
In the following, we use an example dataset available online. Use the readTIF function in bioimagetools to load the RGB image.
img = readTIF("")
sections = dim(img)[4]
x = y = 0.0395
z = 0.125
blue = img[,,3,]
The dapimask function automatically finds the kernel using the DAPI (blue) channel. This takes about 30 seconds (all computation times are using MacBookPro 2019, 2,4 GhZ Quad-Core i5, 16 GB RAM)
Next we find compaction classes from the DAPI channel (Computation time around 180 sec.).
classes = classify(blue, mask, 7, beta=0.1, z=x/z)
## 0o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0
Barplot of classes and heatmap, finally save the classes image.
tab<-table.n(classes, 7, percentage=TRUE)
barplot(tab, ylab="percentage", xlab="chromatin compaction level",col=heatmap7())
Find the distances between compaction classes (computation time around 480 seconds, due to parallelization this depends on number of cores). The plotting function defines what we mean by distance: the minimum distance between class voxels, a quantile or plot a boxplot.
distances = nearestClassDistances(classes, voxelsize=c(x,y,z), classes=7, cores=4L)
plotNearestClassDistances(distances, method="min",ylim=c(0,.1),qu=.01)
plotNearestClassDistances(distances, method="quantile",ylim=c(0,.22),qu=.01)
plotNearestClassDistances(distances, method="boxplot",ylim=c(0,1.5))
We can compute the distribution of other color channels on compaction classes. Here we use a threshold approach and an intensity-weighted approach for comparison. A test on independence of color channels and compaction classes is automatically done (computation time around 4 sec.).
red = img[,,1,]
green = img[,,2,]
xlab="chromatin compaction levels",ylab="percentage")
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 1: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 2: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test channel 1 vs. channel 2: p-value = 0.00021042
xlab="chromatin compaction levels",ylab="percentage")
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 1: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 2: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test channel 1 vs. channel 2: p-value = 0.00362231
Alternatively, we can find spots first and then use this to find the distribution on compaction classes (computation time spots() around 90 sec.).
## 0o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.0o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o0o.xXx.o
## user system elapsed
## 73.830 17.504 91.729
xlab="chromatin compaction levels",ylab="percentage")
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 1: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test DAPI vs. channel 2: p-value < 5e-09
## Wilcoxon rank-sum test channel 1 vs. channel 2: p-value = 6.801e-05