The vegan
package includes several functions for adding features to ordination plots: ordiarrows()
, ordiellipse()
, ordihull()
, ordispider()
and ordisurf()
. This package adds these same features to ordination plots made with ggplot2
. In addition, gg_ordibubble()
sizes points relative to the value of an environmental variable.
The functions are written so that features from each can be combined in customized ordination plots.
The functions ord_labels()
and scale_arrow()
(used to ensure vector arrows fit within a plot) are exported to make it easier to generate custom ordination plots.
You can install the development version of ggordiplots from GitHub with:
You can install the latest release from CRAN with:
Plot an ordination with ellipses around treatment group centroids (at distances of one standard deviation) with gg_ordiplot()
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Loading required package: vegan
#> Loading required package: permute
#> Loading required package: lattice
#> This is vegan 2.6-4
#> Loading required package: glue
dune_bray <- vegdist(dune, method = "bray")
ord <- cmdscale(dune_bray, k = (nrow(dune) - 1), eig = TRUE, add = TRUE)
#> Warning in cmdscale(dune_bray, k = (nrow(dune) - 1), eig = TRUE, add = TRUE):
#> only 18 of the first 19 eigenvalues are > 0
plt1 <- gg_ordiplot(ord, groups = dune.env$Management, plot = FALSE)
is list with items named:
The first 5 items are data frames for making plots. The last item is a ggplot:
Fit a vector of Al concentrations to the ordination with
Al <-$A1)
colnames(Al) <- "Al"
plt2 <- gg_envfit(ord, env = Al, groups = dune.env$Management, plot = FALSE)
Add ellipses from the first plot to the second plot. The resulting plot can be further customized using usual
methods. For example, change the legend title.
plt2$plot +
geom_path(data = plt1$df_ellipse, aes(x=x, y=y, color=Group)) +
guides(color=guide_legend(title="Management")) # Change legend title