1 Functionalities

The equateIRT package computes:

  • Direct equating coefficients (between two forms with common items).
  • Chain equating coefficients (through a chain of forms with common items in pairs).
  • Average (bisector) equating coefficients (between two forms connected through more than one path).
  • Equated scores with true score equating and observed score equating methods.
  • Standard errors of all equating coefficients and equated scores.
  • Test for DIF and tests for drifts.

2 Data preparation

Load the package equateIRT and the data

data("data2pl", package = "equateIRT")

Estimate a two parameter logistic model for 5 data sets with the R package mirt

m1 <- mirt(data2pl[[1]], SE = TRUE)
m2 <- mirt(data2pl[[2]], SE = TRUE)
m3 <- mirt(data2pl[[3]], SE = TRUE)
m4 <- mirt(data2pl[[4]], SE = TRUE)
m5 <- mirt(data2pl[[5]], SE = TRUE)

Create an object of class modIRT (since package versione 2.5.0 it is possible to skip the import.mirt function)

mlist<- list(m1, m2, m3, m4, m5)
test <- paste("test", 1:5, sep = "")
mod2pl <- modIRT(est.mods = mlist, names = test, display = FALSE)
##    Dffclt.I1    Dffclt.I2    Dffclt.I3    Dffclt.I4    Dffclt.I5 
##  0.058224616  0.028019255  0.073234265  0.415936521 -0.006686047

The linkage plan

lplan<-linkp(mods = mod2pl)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]   20   10    0    0   10
## [2,]   10   20   10    0    0
## [3,]    0   10   20   10    0
## [4,]    0    0   10   20   10
## [5,]   10    0    0   10   20

A graphic of the linkage plan with package sna

par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))
gplot(lplan, displaylabels = TRUE,  vertex.sides = 4, vertex.cex = 5, vertex.rot =45,  usearrows = FALSE, label.pos = 5, label.cex = 1, vertex.col = 0)