
CRAN status

TCHazaRds is an R package for Tropical Cyclone (Hurricane, Typhoon) Spatial Hazard Modelling. There is a tutorial in TCHazaRds/vignettes. The code includes parametrisations such as wind reduction factors (e.g., Harper et. al. 2001) to estimate surface mean 10 min wind speeds from Cyclone tracks. Further modelling details can be found in O’Grady et. al. 2024.

Ocean waves, along with enhanced reduction factor modelling and parameters, are now available in version 1.1.0 (August 2024). In this release, deepwater wave significant heights are computed following the methods outlined by O’Grady 2024 in the ICS2024 conference proceedings. The peak wave period is calculated using equation 4 from Young 2017, and wave direction determination is based on the methodology by Tamizi & Young 2020 (Pers comms).


For Windows

TCHazaRds is now on CRAN and can downloaded in R with

install.packages("TCHazaRds",dependencies = TRUE)

From source-code

For windows you need to first install Rtools to get a C++ compiler that R can use. You need a recent version of Rtools42 (rtools42-5355-5357).

Then, in R, install the package.

remotes::install_github("AusClimateService/TCHazaRds", dependencies = TRUE)