Reacnorm: Perform a Partition of Variance of Reaction Norms
Partitions the phenotypic variance of a plastic trait, studied through its reaction norm. The variance partition distinguishes between the variance arising from the average shape of the reaction norms (V_Plas) and the (additive) genetic variance . The latter is itself separated into an environment-blind component (V_G/V_A) and the component arising from plasticity (V_GxE/V_AxE). The package also provides a way to further partition V_Plas into aspects (slope/curvature) of the shape of the average reaction norm (pi-decomposition) and partition V_Add (gamma-decomposition) and V_AxE (iota-decomposition) into the impact of genetic variation in the reaction norm parameters. Reference: de Villemereuil & Chevin (2025) <doi:10.32942/X2NC8B>.
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