Spatial factor analysis

James T. Thorson

options("tinyVAST.verbose" = FALSE)

tinyVAST is an R package for fitting vector autoregressive spatio-temporal (VAST) models. We here explore the capacity to specify a spatial factor analysis, where the spatial pattern for multiple variables is described via their estimated association with a small number of spatial latent variables.

Spatial factor analysis

We first explore the ability to specify two latent variables for five manifest variables. To start we simulate two spatial latent variables, project via a simulated loadings matrix, and then simulate a Tweedie response for each manifest variable:

# Simulate settings
theta_xy = 0.4
n_x = n_y = 10
n_c = 5
rho = 0.8
resid_sd = 0.5

# Simulate GMRFs
R_s = exp(-theta_xy * abs(outer(1:n_x, 1:n_y, FUN="-")) )
R_ss = kronecker(X=R_s, Y=R_s)
delta_fs = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n_c, sigma=R_ss )

L_cf = matrix( rnorm(n_c^2), nrow=n_c )
L_cf[,3:5] = 0
L_cf = L_cf + resid_sd * diag(n_c)

d_cs = L_cf %*% delta_fs

Where we can inspect the simulated loadings matrix

dimnames(L_cf) = list( paste0("Var ", 1:nrow(L_cf)),
                       paste0("Factor ", 1:ncol(L_cf)) )
knitr::kable( L_cf,
              digits=2, caption="True loadings")
True loadings
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
Var 1 -0.77 0.26 0.0 0.0 0.0
Var 2 -0.66 1.03 0.0 0.0 0.0
Var 3 -0.30 -0.54 0.5 0.0 0.0
Var 4 -0.57 0.34 0.0 0.5 0.0
Var 5 -0.03 -0.24 0.0 0.0 0.5

We then specify the model as expected by tinyVAST:

# Shape into longform data-frame and add error
Data = data.frame( expand.grid(species=1:n_c, x=1:n_x, y=1:n_y),
                   "var"="logn", "z"=exp(as.vector(d_cs)) )
Data$n = tweedie::rtweedie( n=nrow(Data), mu=Data$z, phi=0.5, power=1.5 )
#> [1] 0.03

# make mesh
mesh = fm_mesh_2d( Data[,c('x','y')] )

sem = "
  f1 -> 1, l1
  f1 -> 2, l2
  f1 -> 3, l3
  f1 -> 4, l4
  f1 -> 5, l5
  f2 -> 2, l6
  f2 -> 3, l7
  f2 -> 4, l8
  f2 -> 5, l9
  f1 <-> f1, NA, 1
  f2 <-> f2, NA, 1
  1 <-> 1, NA, 0
  2 <-> 2, NA, 0
  3 <-> 3, NA, 0
  4 <-> 4, NA, 0
  5 <-> 5, NA, 0

# fit model
out = tinyVAST( space_term = sem,
           data = Data,
           formula = n ~ 0 + factor(species),
           spatial_domain = mesh,
           family = tweedie(),
           variables = c( "f1", "f2", 1:n_c ),
           space_columns = c("x","y"),
           variable_column = "species",
           time_column = "time",
           distribution_column = "dist",
           control = tinyVASTcontrol(gmrf="proj") )
#> Call: 
#> tinyVAST(formula = n ~ 0 + factor(species), data = Data, space_term = sem, 
#>     family = tweedie(), space_columns = c("x", "y"), spatial_domain = mesh, 
#>     time_column = "time", variable_column = "species", variables = c("f1", 
#>         "f2", 1:n_c), distribution_column = "dist", control = tinyVASTcontrol(gmrf = "proj"))
#> Run time: 
#> Time difference of 2.807202 secs
#> Family: 
#> $obs
#> Family: tweedie 
#> Link function: log 
#> sdreport(.) result
#>              Estimate Std. Error
#> alpha_j    0.07570783 0.31850774
#> alpha_j   -0.02014888 0.39763412
#> alpha_j    0.22318277 0.21847161
#> alpha_j    0.14728087 0.27057852
#> alpha_j   -0.26514652 0.14638317
#> theta_z    0.68016356 0.11510781
#> theta_z    0.68285927 0.15773444
#> theta_z    0.31701846 0.10358197
#> theta_z    0.52123769 0.10914344
#> theta_z    0.14819781 0.09200614
#> theta_z    0.51873790 0.13709521
#> theta_z   -0.31998633 0.10049164
#> theta_z    0.23601680 0.10640963
#> theta_z   -0.21613586 0.09652980
#> log_sigma -0.52205331 0.06761637
#> log_sigma  0.21851154 0.13313019
#> log_kappa -0.26761196 0.21030826
#> Maximum gradient component: 0.002233932 
#> Proportion conditional deviance explained: 
#> [1] 0.551999
#> space_term: 
#>    heads to from parameter start   Estimate  Std_Error   z_value      p_value
#> 1      1  1   f1         1  <NA>  0.6801636 0.11510781  5.908926 3.443444e-09
#> 2      1  2   f1         2  <NA>  0.6828593 0.15773444  4.329170 1.496721e-05
#> 3      1  3   f1         3  <NA>  0.3170185 0.10358197  3.060556 2.209261e-03
#> 4      1  4   f1         4  <NA>  0.5212377 0.10914344  4.775713 1.790719e-06
#> 5      1  5   f1         5  <NA>  0.1481978 0.09200614  1.610738 1.072368e-01
#> 6      1  2   f2         6  <NA>  0.5187379 0.13709521  3.783778 1.544654e-04
#> 7      1  3   f2         7  <NA> -0.3199863 0.10049164 -3.184209 1.451504e-03
#> 8      1  4   f2         8  <NA>  0.2360168 0.10640963  2.218002 2.655468e-02
#> 9      1  5   f2         9  <NA> -0.2161359 0.09652980 -2.239058 2.515211e-02
#> 10     2 f1   f1         0     1  1.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 11     2 f2   f2         0     1  1.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 12     2  1    1         0     0  0.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 13     2  2    2         0     0  0.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 14     2  3    3         0     0  0.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 15     2  4    4         0     0  0.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> 16     2  5    5         0     0  0.0000000         NA        NA           NA
#> Fixed terms: 
#>                     Estimate Std_Error     z_value    p_value
#> factor(species)1  0.07570783 0.3185077  0.23769543 0.81211733
#> factor(species)2 -0.02014888 0.3976341 -0.05067191 0.95958696
#> factor(species)3  0.22318277 0.2184716  1.02156419 0.30698721
#> factor(species)4  0.14728087 0.2705785  0.54431841 0.58622238
#> factor(species)5 -0.26514652 0.1463832 -1.81131833 0.07009159

We can compare the true loadings (rotated to optimize comparison):

Lrot_cf = rotate_pca( L_cf )$L_tf
dimnames(Lrot_cf) = list( paste0("Var ", 1:nrow(Lrot_cf)),
                       paste0("Factor ", 1:ncol(Lrot_cf)) )
knitr::kable( Lrot_cf,
              digits=2, caption="Rotated true loadings")
Rotated true loadings
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5
Var 1 -0.71 0.34 0.00 -0.11 -0.19
Var 2 -1.20 -0.18 0.00 -0.18 0.12
Var 3 0.22 0.73 -0.17 -0.09 0.10
Var 4 -0.70 0.25 0.06 0.37 0.03
Var 5 0.17 0.23 0.47 -0.08 0.03

with the estimated loadings

# Extract and rotate estimated loadings
Lhat_cf = matrix( 0, nrow=n_c, ncol=2 )
Lhat_cf[lower.tri(Lhat_cf,diag=TRUE)] = as.list(out$sdrep, what="Estimate")$theta_z
Lhat_cf = rotate_pca( L_tf=Lhat_cf, order="decreasing" )$L_tf
#> Warning in sqrt(Eigen$values): NaNs produced

Where we can compared the estimated and true loadings matrices:

dimnames(Lhat_cf) = list( paste0("Var ", 1:nrow(Lhat_cf)),
                       paste0("Factor ", 1:ncol(Lhat_cf)) )
knitr::kable( Lhat_cf,
              digits=2, caption="Rotated estimated loadings" )
Rotated estimated loadings
Factor 1 Factor 2
Var 1 0.64 -0.23
Var 2 0.82 0.26
Var 3 0.19 -0.41
Var 4 0.57 0.05
Var 5 0.07 -0.25

Or we can specify the model while ensuring that residual spatial variation is also captured:

sem = "
  f1 -> 1, l1
  f1 -> 2, l2
  f1 -> 3, l3
  f1 -> 4, l4
  f1 -> 5, l5
  f2 -> 2, l6
  f2 -> 3, l7
  f2 -> 4, l8
  f2 -> 5, l9
  f1 <-> f1, NA, 1
  f2 <-> f2, NA, 1
  1 <-> 1, sd_resid
  2 <-> 2, sd_resid
  3 <-> 3, sd_resid
  4 <-> 4, sd_resid
  5 <-> 5, sd_resid

# fit model
out = tinyVAST( space_term = sem,
           data = Data,
           formula = n ~ 0 + factor(species),
           spatial_domain = mesh,
           family = list( "obs"=tweedie() ),
           variables = c( "f1", "f2", 1:n_c ),
           space_columns = c("x","y"),
           variable_column = "species",
           time_column = "time",
           distribution_column = "dist",
           control = tinyVASTcontrol(gmrf="proj") )

# Extract and rotate estimated loadings
Lhat_cf = matrix( 0, nrow=n_c, ncol=2 )
Lhat_cf[lower.tri(Lhat_cf,diag=TRUE)] = as.list(out$sdrep, what="Estimate")$theta_z
#> Warning in Lhat_cf[lower.tri(Lhat_cf, diag = TRUE)] = as.list(out$sdrep, :
#> number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
Lhat_cf = rotate_pca( L_tf=Lhat_cf, order="decreasing" )$L_tf
#> Warning in sqrt(Eigen$values): NaNs produced

Where we can again compared the estimated and true loadings matrices:

dimnames(Lhat_cf) = list( paste0("Var ", 1:nrow(Lhat_cf)),
                       paste0("Factor ", 1:ncol(Lhat_cf)) )
knitr::kable( Lhat_cf,
              digits=2, caption="Rotated estimated loadings with full rank" )
Rotated estimated loadings with full rank
Factor 1 Factor 2
Var 1 0.69 -0.18
Var 2 0.74 0.23
Var 3 0.07 -0.42
Var 4 0.47 -0.02
Var 5 0.07 -0.07