
Lifecycle: stable CRAN status R-CMD-check Lifecycle: stable

The avesperu package provides access to the most up-to-date and comprehensive dataset on Peru’s avian diversity. As of February 6, 2025, the list includes 1,911 bird species, reflecting significant advancements in taxonomy and the validation of species records. These updates are based on articles, photographs, and sound recordings archived in accredited institutions, and follow the classification endorsed by the South American Checklist Committee (SACC).

Species Categories

Each species in the dataset is classified into one of the following categories, reflecting its status in Peru:

This results in a total of 1,911 species, demonstrating Peru’s incredible avian richness.


Here’s an enhanced analysis of the provided information, focusing on the trends and implications for Peru’s avian biodiversity:

Significant Milestones:

The species count grew substantially between 1968 (1,491 species) and 1980 (1,678 species), reflecting early efforts in exploration and classification. Post-2000, the growth rate appears more stable, with key updates in 2010, 2020, and culminating in 2025 with 1,911 species.

Categorical Analysis:

Suggested citation:

#> To cite avesperu in publications use:
#>   Santos - Andrade, PE. (2024). avesperu: Access to the List of Birds
#>   Species of Peru. R package version 0.0.3
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Manual{,
#>     title = {avesperu: Access to the List of Birds Species of Peru},
#>     author = {Paul E. Santos - Andrade},
#>     year = {2024},
#>     note = {R package version 0.0.3},
#>   }
#> To cite the avesperu dataset, please use: Plenge, M. A. Version
#> [12/02/2024] List of the birds of Peru / Lista de las aves del Perú.
#> Unión de Ornitólogos del Perú:
#> https://sites.google.com/site/boletinunop/checklist


You can install the avesperu package from CRAN using:

# or

Also you can install the development version of avesperu like so:



Here’s a quick example of how to use the avesperu package:

#> This is avesperu 0.0.4

splist <- c("Falco sparverius",
            "Tinamus osgodi",
            "Crypturellus sooui",
            "Thraupisa palamarum",
            "Thamnophilus praecox")

search_avesperu(splist = splist, max_distance = 0.05)
#>         name_submitted        accepted_name    order_name    family_name
#> 1     Falco sparverius     Falco sparverius Falconiformes     Falconidae
#> 2       Tinamus osgodi      Tinamus osgoodi  Tinamiformes      Tinamidae
#> 3   Crypturellus sooui    Crypturellus soui  Tinamiformes      Tinamidae
#> 4  Thraupisa palamarum                 <NA>          <NA>           <NA>
#> 5 Thamnophilus praecox Thamnophilus praecox Passeriformes Thamnophilidae
#>       english_name        spanish_name    status dist
#> 1 American Kestrel Cernícalo Americano Residente    0
#> 2    Black Tinamou        Perdiz Negra Residente    1
#> 3   Little Tinamou        Perdiz Chica Residente    1
#> 4             <NA>                <NA>      <NA> <NA>
#> 5  Cocha Antshrike     Batará de Cocha Residente    0
splist <- c("Falco sparverius",
            "Tinamus osgodi",
            "Crypturellus sooui",
            "Thraupisa palamarum",
            "Thraupisa palamarum",
            "Thamnophilus praecox")

search_avesperu(splist = splist, max_distance = 0.05)
#> The following names are repeated in the 'splist': Thraupisa palamarum
#>         name_submitted        accepted_name    order_name    family_name
#> 1     Falco sparverius     Falco sparverius Falconiformes     Falconidae
#> 2       Tinamus osgodi      Tinamus osgoodi  Tinamiformes      Tinamidae
#> 3   Crypturellus sooui    Crypturellus soui  Tinamiformes      Tinamidae
#> 4  Thraupisa palamarum                 <NA>          <NA>           <NA>
#> 5 Thamnophilus praecox Thamnophilus praecox Passeriformes Thamnophilidae
#>       english_name        spanish_name    status dist
#> 1 American Kestrel Cernícalo Americano Residente    0
#> 2    Black Tinamou        Perdiz Negra Residente    1
#> 3   Little Tinamou        Perdiz Chica Residente    1
#> 4             <NA>                <NA>      <NA> <NA>
#> 5  Cocha Antshrike     Batará de Cocha Residente    0